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Before you go

Researching practical information ahead of your trip will likely make your journey smoother and more enjoyable, and possibly save you some money.


Japan's official language is Japanese, but English is generally understood in major cities and designated tourist sites.

Time zone

All of Japan sits within the same time zone, and no daylight saving is practiced. The country is nine hours ahead of GMT.

Wi-Fi & Connectivity

Wireless hotspots are popping up all over major cities in Japan, so you should never be too far from a Wi-Fi connection.

Plugs & Electricity

Japan uses two flat parallel prong plugs. For guaranteed charging of your electrical necessities, purchase a plug adapter beforehand. Japan operates on a 100V supply voltage and 50/60Hz.


The Japanese yen is used throughout the country and you can exchange foreign currency at the airports and most major banks. Currently 1 USD = 110 JPY ( Jun 2021)

Tax-Free Shopping

Visitors to Japan are eligible for tax exemption on many consumer goods. The process of receiving your tax back can vary from store to store.


Tipping is not practiced in Japan. In fact, it can cause discomfort and confusion if you do. A service charge is generally added on to the final bill in restaurants.

Credit Cards

Even though Japan is a cash-centric country, credit cards are usually accepted in most shops, restaurants and taxis in major cities.

Weather (When to Visit)

The weather in Japan can vary wildly depending on where you are traveling to. Find out the best times to visit and what to pack.

Japan Visitor Hotline

Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) operates a visitor hotline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Custom & Duty

The Japan Customs official page is your most trustworthy source to answer any questions or queries related to Japanese customs and duty.

IC Travel Cards

Make your journeys as smooth as the public transportation you will ride on by purchasing a chargeable IC travel card.

Drinking Water

While bottled water is readily available all over Japan—including in the infinite vending machines—the tap water is perfectly safe to drink.

Luggage Storage & Delivery

If you don't wish to haul your luggage around with you, drop your bags and cases off at the delivery service kiosks located at the airports.

Staying Safe in Japan

If you do find yourself in a situation that requires serious help, dial 110 for an urgent call to the police and 119 for fire or ambulance.


Your embassy is there to help and support you if you should need it. Make sure you know how to get in touch.

Local Laws

Make sure you are aware of the local laws in Japan as ignorance is not accepted as a valid line of defense.

Business Hours & Holidays

Avoid closed doors and fully-booked hotels by finding out the Japanese business hours for major businesses, services, and facilities, and the dates of the major holidays.

Postal Services

Instead of just an email, send a postcard back home to let friends and family know about your Japanese adventure.

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